Amber, Dad- Gary, Bella, and Gramma
The end of a really long day
We had Christmas dinner at our daughter and son-in-law's house this year, lots of family friends and really good food. We had a quiet Christmas eve at home until it was time for bed and then nobody could sleep because of the excitement of waiting for Santa. Maggie was the most excited of the bunch and was probably awake most of the night checking to seee if the jolly ole man had arrived yet. At 4:30am or so we had the whole gang up and ready to open presents, the only one sleeping in was baby Jordon.Mom wanted everyone to go back to bed for a few more hours (no this did not happen) so we all started our day really early. The kiddos got lots of presents and they were all very excited, including little Ms. Bella. We spent the rest of the day playing toys and games and cleaning up mess after mess until it was time to go to Amber & Davids for dinner and more presents. It was so much fun seeing our grand-children enjoying all their presents. Thank you Amber & David for having all of us over for dinner, and we feel very blessed to have you so close by.After dinner it was time to call it a day and head home and put everyone to bed including mom and dad. We hope everyone had a very merry Christmas
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